2010年1月9日 星期六

one week surviving!

It's been a week, right? since I got back to SH.
What did I did this week?! well, pretty much nothing, just stay at home most of time, still in "weather shock", and also taking my period as shelter, tho.
Have been thinking what's next. Many thoughts, but, somehow, no much motivation to drive. Have to be able to do something!



  最近入手的新書,感謝神隊友從上海人肉快遞回來, 其實想買的還有一些,最後先挑這兩本,收到時覺得很有意思,剛好都是身心學派的書,一個是富蘭克林技法,一個是亞歷山大技法,一本以骨盆為主軸,一本雖然從技法對應到瑜珈,但談論到反而是著重從頭的位置來做身體的調整!! 剛好這都是我教學...