2009年7月30日 星期四

TT的Anusara 新發現

這星期是TT的最後一個禮拜, 上星期六已經考完筆試了, 大部分的學生都很緊張, 很多人抓著我問問題, 看著大家這麼認真其實很有趣也很欣慰, 因為我自己也是過來人, 在清邁時, 雖然我在那一個月的tt還看完了三本小說(很厚的那種), 我的筆試還是全班最高分的, 我通常只有在考試前複習一下, 但是我上課時可以保證從來沒打瞌睡過, 所以考最高分自己也很驚奇!欣慰這次大家的努力, 很難想像這已經最後一星期了, 我們每天5點起床, 課準時6點到9點, 星期六還有五小時的課, 有兩位老師輪流上課, 可是我沒的輪, 所以我跟學生一樣全程參與. 可能也是如此, 我的喉嚨和聲音開始抗議了, 前星期已經開始不舒服, 因為講太多, 有時還得要用喊的, 這星期已經開始咳嗽了, 越殼越嚴重, 邊咳邊翻譯, 真是不好意思!!

在另一個blog, 我有記錄幾乎每一天的課程, 一些重點, 不是全部, 其實Ben 和John 幾乎是完全照著Anusara的方式做這次的training的, 所以課程幾乎像是immersion的內容, 所以90%的內容我都已經知道, 所以這是很好的複習, 甚至在training之前, 我也翻譯完anusara的teacher training manual, 當然, 永遠有新的東西可以學習, 或是對一些已經知道的"知識"也有更多的"身體"體驗

"Draw in"的力量, 這是我的重要心得之一, draw in 是表示彼此拉近的力量, 是在5 Universal Prinicples裡面的第二條"Muscular Energy"的方向之一, 其實可以用生理學的肌肉收縮"Isometirc contraction", 來解釋. Muscular Energy的力量是從四周收向核心, 從表面收向中線, 從表皮將肌肉包覆骨骼. 基本上都是集中的力量, 這些道理我都懂, 但是在體位法中, 很對於我自然的, 且比較容易的,柔軟度會讓我一直拉伸, 動作也做的到, 但是在拉伸之前, 一定要先做到的是draw in 的力量, 並在接下來的拉伸同時, 繼續保持這樣draw in 的力量, 就像是我之前寫的"早知道"那篇. 可以保持這樣的draw in 的力量, 在去做的伸展其實會是更有感覺的, 且重點是 "更安全”, 雖然比較累, 因為肌肉一直在用力中! 我的Hunumanasana 和launge和所有的站姿,在這樣的draw in之後的伸展, 感覺更是high了兩倍以上....

Kidney Loop, 腎環, 是我的新發現, 雖然之前老是聽到, 知道這個環可以幫忙防止下背部擠壓, 背部可以擴張開來, 但是這個環始終沒有進入"我的最愛", 也許之前我一直沒真的了解, 但是最近這個loop幫我很多很多. 她讓我在手倒立時可以離牆的時間越來越久, 甚至讓我開始有膽在教室中央練習起手倒立, 我的Pinch Maruyasana也是. 這就是之前聽說過的, "腎環可以幫助你起飛".對於後彎, 這個loop也幫助到更深的後彎, 且我更可以真正的"享受"後彎!

Again, 只要有beginner's mind, 永遠都可以學到新的東西, 真是開心的事!!!!

2009年7月28日 星期二

TT last week

This week is teaching week! There are 5 teams working on different themes, so i won't go into details. They have exam last Sat, some of them really did well, and some don't. I was asked to grade those exam in Chinese. I try to look for the good, you could tell if they really study or not! Most of them are nervous and really working hard as far as I know. That's what they need! Being a good stuendent first to be able to be a good teacher!

For the teaching part, u could tell they work hard, and really doing good as first teaching experience! Even tho still need a lot of practice and refinment! It takes time! I know I sucks in my first few months of teaching,even tho I got good students, and they accept me as a teacher!! I really appriciate that a lot!

2009年7月21日 星期二

7/22 TT

7/22 TT
It's a teaching drill day again, practicing on opening and closing for the class. Good practice, because we often practice the mid part of the class, like "teaching the poses", not opening nor closing. Ppl are doing well!
We finish the class earlier to be able to see the eclips, but it was raining. It's really raining hard, while aroun 9:30. We only feel the sky became darker and darker, and around 9:40 it's almost like 7pm at night. Full darkness, with stree light all on! Interesting, that's how we could tell it's eclips then!..... Pity that the only chance in 300 yrs, but 老天不賞眼!

TT 7/17~7/21

Don't remember why I just forgot to post my note from TT. I guess, it's all because I didn't realize I have to teach at Friday night till noon at last Fri. Crazy, tho I know I don't need too much time for preparing the class, just that I need to have 心理建设 first! Ha! So I totally forgot to post my blog.
So, for 7/17 TT, I couldn't recall any of them.... I guess my brain has been damage by the heat lately...... I was always like a melting ice cube....
For 7/17, this I could recall a bit.
We have Jose talked about the rest of Patanjali. We talked more of Ashtanga yoga. The 8 limbs. There is a comment mistake that 8 limbs should be practiced in such order. It's not necessary. Also while really practice one of the Yama and the rest of 4 will come together. Then ppl have to come up to stage to present their finding at prenatal and postnatal yoga. It's good, but it would be better if could really been practice. But I guess, this is the best what Ben and john could do..... Then we have review for the final exam.

7/20 TT
Today is also devided into 2 groups for teaching drill. Kind of slow... But ppl get good practice!

7/21 TT
Today is led by John, for a mix Asana practice. The peak pose is visvamitrasana. We go thro a lot new poses that not been practiced in this training. Like twisting for pasasana, Kurmasana, supta kurmasana, arm balancing like side crow, Bhujapidasana,titibasana. Lots of work.

2009年7月15日 星期三

7/16 TT

7/16 TT
Today began with meditation, we didn't call for class attention, I didn't. I just began sitting quietly, and then Ben and John also sit, so the whole class notice and began to sit. Otherwise, ppl just kept talking even it's already 6:10 or so. Anyhow, I didn't move or open my eyes in the whole meditation and pranayama excise for I guess more around 30 mins. I translated with only listening from Ben. I feel conformtable and easy, tho I kept sweating. I think lately I have been sweating too much, 伤元气. I need to have more supplement, not just water, I guess.
Today's work is working toward back bending!
Then began warm up, with really working on legs. Also began adjustment practice, in launge, lifting the back inner thigh up, this is both inner spiral and thigh bone back energy! I did this a lot while teaching and I know it feel a lot more difference and empowerment. Then in Uttanasan, B use hands or shin to resist A's shins, to creat shins in and thighs out action! These two are major for all standing poses. Launge, WI, B help outer rotation of upper arm bones. Then work on shoulders. In Cobra, B's knees against A's shoulder blads and hands on the shoulders, and at the same time, help guiding shoulder back and push knees forward, to creat chest opening. Also, another assisting for cobra, B press A's calves down, so A with hands clap behine the back to lift up higher!! Camel pose, B hold A's skull, and A keep press head into B's palm while at the same time lifting heart! Skull loops could really help working on shoulder loops to open chest and shoulder! In Danurasana, B sitting on A's heels for rooting down, and guide A's shoulder back with both hands. Then, began thigh strech, ppl do by themselves. First, low launge, twist and thigh streching. 2nd, one calf against the wall. Partner work for setu Bandha. 1st, B helps on big inner spiraling A's thighs and root down, aware of no knees turning in. 2nd, B helps shoulder. 3nd, B helps pull down to root A's legs. All these could work on U Danurasana.
Lots of disscution, and partner work always work!!

7/16 TT

7/16 TT
Today began with meditation, we didn't call for class attention, I didn't. I just began sitting quietly, and then Ben and John also sit, so the whole class notice and began to sit. Otherwise, ppl just kept talking even it's already 6:10 or so. Anyhow, I didn't move or open my eyes in the whole meditation and pranayama excise for I guess more around 30 mins. I translated with only listening from Ben. I feel conformtable and easy, tho I kept sweating. I think lately I have been sweating too much, 伤元气. I need to have more supplement, not just water, I guess.
Today's work is working toward back bending!
Then began warm up, with really working on legs. Also began adjustment practice, in launge, lifting the back inner thigh up, this is both inner spiral and thigh bone back energy! I did this a lot while teaching and I know it feel a lot more difference and empowerment. Then in Uttanasan, B use hands or shin to resist A's shins, to creat shins in and thighs out action! These two are major for all standing poses. Launge, WI, B help outer rotation of upper arm bones. Then work on shoulders. In Cobra, B's knees against A's shoulder blads and hands on the shoulders, and at the same time, help guiding shoulder back and push knees forward, to creat chest opening. Also, another assisting for cobra, B press A's calves down, so A with hands clap behine the back to lift up higher!! Camel pose, B hold A's skull, and A keep press head into B's palm while at the same time lifting heart! Skull loops could really help working on shoulder loops to open chest and shoulder! In Danurasana, B sitting on A's heels for rooting down, and guide A's shoulder back with both hands. Then, began thigh strech, ppl do by themselves. First, low launge, twist and thigh streching. 2nd, one calf against the wall. Partner work for setu Bandha. 1st, B helps on big inner spiraling A's thighs and root down, aware of no knees turning in. 2nd, B helps shoulder. 3nd, B helps pull down to root A's legs. All these could work on U Danurasana.
Lots of disscution, and partner work always work!!

7/15 TT

7/15 TT
Again, this morning we did teaching driller, and a few adjustment work. The teaching excise work well, I think. Ppl get more easier to teach and more effectivly. The adjustment works on parsvotanasana, parivtta Trikonasana, and downdog. Ppl like this a lot, they are really began to think and to teach!

2009年7月14日 星期二

7/13 TT & 7/14 TT

7/13 TT
Monday, I got in the room earlier for practice. Sober and awake! Today after pranayama practice, we just go right for the teaching drilling! I take the group for Chinese speakers! It went well, and I think ppl enjoy and did learn a lot!!

7/14 TT
Today is for partner work, and adjustment. It's new for ppl, I guess for first time to adjust ppl like a teacher, so many discussion and energy went up! We did Virabhadrasana II, ardha chandrasana, trikonasana, badha Konasana with block, happy baby.EPRK prep

2009年7月11日 星期六

7/10 TT

7/10 TT
Today is led by Ben. Today's sequence is inversion. Again, we have ppl come up for teaching excise. Lots of standing pose, and do headstand, pinch maruyasana, and handstand.

7/11 TT
Philosophy for first 2 hrs. I guess I was tired for this week, being attend yoga class for practice and began teaching. My energy is agitated, while time for resting, still not being able to fully relax. Tired, and cannot focused well. I need for more meditation to calm and center myself!!
*Yoga sutra: not cover too much, began talking Ch 2. For Kriya yoga and Ashtanga yoga. Talking about ignorance. Tapas, svadiyaya, and Isvra. Need more time.
*Prenatal yoga practice, and there is a new assignment due next Sat.
*Menstration cycle yoga practice. Very relaxing practice with prob. But it's funny that the two men to teach this class!

2009年7月8日 星期三

7/9 TT

7/9 TT
Today is led by John.
*pranayama practice: kabalabti and nadi sodana. We sit longer. I was kind of suprised by myself. I now could really sit and "enjoy" the stillness, without moving for a longer time. Maybe it's just because I havn't practice meditation for a while. But I really like it. Though my mind is still wondering around, but I love the stillness.
*excise: grouping and finding 3 comment misalighment at the 1st assignment poses.
*Today's sequence is twisting. Peak pose is Parivta Janu Sirsasana. Today is hot, the weather. And the sequence is a bit advanced, so it's again hard work. twising, hip opening, side streching and shoulder opening are all needed for peak pose. There are some binding to work on opening side body and steching.

2009年7月7日 星期二

7/8 TT

7/8 TT
Today is led by Ben.
* Pranayama practice: Meditation first and then Kabalabakti and nadi sodana.
* Ben went thro 5 poses left in the asana list.
For picha Maruyasana work into scopio, Ben said he won't recomand walk down at wall to practice. Better suggestion, is have a low table or chair, and lower feet on it.
* Today's sequence is hip opener: the group did well and the teaching is good. The peak pose is padmasana. This is a advanced pose. First start with a new pranayama, 3 part inhale and exhale fully. Then dynamic movement of badha konasana/navasana/dandasana/upavista konasana, then is surya namaskar. Ben made ppl stay in launch for longer time, really working on inner spiral back leg, so back leg lifting up high. And keep bring fornt knee forward. It's a hard work. EPRK, badha konasan, needle eye, fire log. And start work on half lotus and full lotus. Comments are better starting with surya namaskar then the dynamic movem't. Add more sitting poses and twisting poses.

7/7 TT

7/7 TT
Today is also led by John.
*pranayama practice again: Kabalabti and nadi shodana. And meditation after this, you could do Ham sa or chakra meditation. It's my first day period, so I didn't do kabalabti. And I love the meditation, I think we sit like at least 20 mins. I don't remember how to do ham sa or chakra meditation, so I just try to focus on my breath. Quite sweet sitting, i don't feel any disconfort. And this morning is not as hot as yesterday.
*teaching excise: 3 groups, each one come to teach Suyra Namaskar to your group, and make good comment for each one at a given pose. Practice of looking for good!! Nice practice!!
*Teaching sequence: back bending. surya namaskar A and B. Ppl led it slowly, John demo the right speed of Surya Namaskar B. Handstand. WI w/ back bending, Trikon with back bending. EPRK prep. Ustrasana. Peak pose is U Dhanurasana. John intro assiting with this pose: with B holding shins to root down and A straighten legs and try open up the chest! Didn't have time work on drop back. Finish with twising poses! There are many vinyasan, ppl have been working hard!

2009年7月5日 星期日

7/6 TT

7/6 TT
Today is led by john, but we would use the group assignment for sequencing. There are some groups didn't get the assignment right, didn't turn in on time. I know some group spent extra time working on this assignment, but some seems have problem. Anyhow, today we use Francesca's group. It's a general class, so have a little of everything. It's a full 90 mins class, so begins with kabalabkti, then chanting, then into Surya Namaskar for 3 rounds (L+R).Standing poses, then work on hip openers, abd works and then hand balancing. Peak pose is Bakasana. Then backbending, supta virasana, ustrasana and gentle twist. John randomly call ppl up to teach some poses.
It went on good! John is patient and leading it well. So do the group members!! Today is very hot and humid in the room, I wasn't really feeling well. Hope tomorrow will be better.

2009年7月2日 星期四

7/3 TT

7/3 TT
Twisting is the topic of today. Ben set the peak pose is parsva upavista konasana. He asked ppl to think what poses could help working toward this pose.
*asana, maining focsing on lenghthening on hamstring, and open up back and side for twisting: standing launch, trikon, parsvotanasan, parivtta trikon, padagusta (w/ knee bent), parsaritta parvota, sitting poses in badhakonasana, upavista konasana, ardha navasana, anatasana....
*twisting: should from center of spine, not from shoulder, head or hip. root down first bfr twisting.

2009年7月1日 星期三

7/2 TT

7/2 TT
Led by John, today talks more on sequencing. Also assign for group of 3 and ppl have to plan for a class for given series of pose. This is a good excise, ppl could start thinking as a teacher how to plan a class. The teaching excise last week is a begining, ppl really could begin learn to teach. This reminds me my teacher training in Chiang mai. How I went through! Good memory and great experience!
* begins with Kabalabkti. 4 rounds, 2 breath in 1 sec.
* Asana practice: ppl asked for back bending. Deep ones. So, Ben starts giving a version of Surya Namaskar, designed for backbending prep. Acctually, Ben this version couples times. But John take it into more details and slower. I believe ppl could feel more! Then handstand, with partner work. Ppl learn to assiste their friend to get into pose. Also do handstand with back of legs on the wall, assiting with deep inner spiral, and heart opening. Then VI with backbending,and anjaliasana with twist and thigh strech. Then didn't have enough time, so only do ustrasana and variation. Then counter pose, supta hasta padagustasana's variation.


昨天, 在自己的練習時, 有個 "大”發現!其實, "它" 早就那裡, 只是我昨天在身體上和腦袋裡的那條迴路好像才接通!

其實, 這些是我早就知道的事, 也就是所謂isomatric contraction. 也就是等長收縮. 這就是肌肉張力增加, 但是肌肉纖維的長度不變, 骨骼沒有產生運動. 這是從key muscle上面的解釋. 其實舉例就像是站著提一桶水, 不動身體或手臂, 但是手臂肌肉還是要持續用力, 因為要提著這桶水的重量.

瑜伽的動作, 其實最常的是isomatric contraction. 因為我們常會姿勢裡停留一些時間. 但是, 事實上, 未必每個瑜伽課學生在上課時, 老師要你停留在某個動作時都會去努力的做"等張收縮". 這就是老鳥和菜鳥的不同.... 因為, 等張收縮, 很累…..

會開始這個練習是因為自從我開始認真的看待自己可能有韌帶過鬆, 或過度伸展韌帶的問題時, 我一直還沒找到解答, 就是"拉伸肌肉和韌帶的在身體上感覺有什麼不同?" "我怎麼知道現在拉伸的韌帶或肌肉??"

最近幫Ben 和 John 做的Teacher Training, 一直提到Anusara的Universal Pricipls, 當中的Muscular Energy和第五項Organic Energy. 在每次的launge時, 都會提到的肌肉力量, 這有三個方向: 往身體的中線靠近 hug into mid line/ from perifery to center 從四周往中央收進, 也就是肌肉包覆骨骼,/ from extremities to Focal point, 從四肢末端,頭頂往focal point集中. 所以, 以簡單的launch來說, 讓兩腿肌肉有力, 肌肉包覆著你的骨骼, 兩腿往身體中線集中, 兩腳的力量也彼此拉近!雖然兩腳是分開的狀況, 且這些指令從外表看好像沒在做什麼, 但是兩腿就是正在做所謂的isometric movement. 身體不動的狀態下, 其實內心戲很多!肌肉還是在用力但是沒有放鬆! 這個 “肌肉的能量” 必須要有最後的 “延伸的力量”來平衡!!Organic Energy的方向就和肌肉力量方向是完全相反的, 還是保持肌肉的力量, 但是讓力量是延伸出去, 擴張開來的, 你可以想像骨頭好像可以延長開來一樣. 這兩種能量必須要是平衡的, 否則你可以會太用力抽筋, 或是動作垮掉.

所以, 回到主題, 如何正確伸展肌肉而不去拉伸到韌帶呢?我上次寫過的文章 "Stop sigh 在哪裡?", 針對這個問題的感嘆和解決方法, 就是back off a bit, 動作不要進入的太深, 但是這只是對了一半, 退回來之外, 還要持續保持Muscular Energy 和 Organic Energy. 這是奇怪, 這麼簡單的道理, 我現在才想通. 這也是為什麼, 肌肉的能量, 是最可以保護身體避免受傷的道理!雖然, 真的比較累….

看的出這兩圖有和不同? 第一張圖, 我靠的是我鬆鬆的韌帶, 骨盆可以沉下去, 手都可以摸到地上, 腿幾乎沒在用力. 但是會這樣做, 印象是早期的瑜伽老師都是這麼做, 大家好像也都這麼努力作, 因為好像比較厲害?!

第二張圖, 骨盆就明顯上提了一些, 腿就是真的有在用力了, 可以看兩腿的hamstrings都有浮起來, 後腿的股直肌也是, 很明顯的用力且被伸展著!我做的也就是試著把兩腳彼此拉近的感覺.

所以無法單單從姿勢的外型去評斷瑜伽人的動作, 要看的是動作中的"品質", 肌肉的質感,和心靈的質感!!

7/1 TT

7/1 TT
Today's topic is inversion, led by Ben. Ben has a great preparation today! We work slowly working toward into the pose! He made good work presenting how to help ppl get into this advanced pose. I like it. He said about Sirsasana is all about "awareness". Awareness of crown of head, neck, elbows, natural curves of spine, legs, and soles of feet!
*Pranayama practice: I like doing pranayama practice, really awakening in the morining. I found ppl are less sleepy, while leturing.
*Excises on different parts of body:crown of head, neck, elbows, natural curves of spine, legs, and soles of feet! Those excises are nice, but some ppl think are a bit slow. But it's worth of working. Ppl do get better awareness, and could get into pose more easily. That's good practice. Tho, only work on one inversion pose. But it's worthy. Coz, no one ever teaches me this, that's why I got injury from Sirsasana many times!


哇,竟然超過一年沒在這裡更新了~~  還是先來些最新分享 又讀完一本,這本「功能應瑜珈解剖學」簡體版,感謝神隊友人工運送回來, 作者是David Keil是位Ashtanga練習者,其實這位作者我已經讀他不少的瑜珈解剖相關文章,是我輩算極早開始關注在瑜珈解剖領域的Blogger(...