2009年7月21日 星期二

7/22 TT

7/22 TT
It's a teaching drill day again, practicing on opening and closing for the class. Good practice, because we often practice the mid part of the class, like "teaching the poses", not opening nor closing. Ppl are doing well!
We finish the class earlier to be able to see the eclips, but it was raining. It's really raining hard, while aroun 9:30. We only feel the sky became darker and darker, and around 9:40 it's almost like 7pm at night. Full darkness, with stree light all on! Interesting, that's how we could tell it's eclips then!..... Pity that the only chance in 300 yrs, but 老天不賞眼!



哇,竟然超過一年沒在這裡更新了~~  還是先來些最新分享 又讀完一本,這本「功能應瑜珈解剖學」簡體版,感謝神隊友人工運送回來, 作者是David Keil是位Ashtanga練習者,其實這位作者我已經讀他不少的瑜珈解剖相關文章,是我輩算極早開始關注在瑜珈解剖領域的Blogger(...