2009年7月15日 星期三

7/16 TT

7/16 TT
Today began with meditation, we didn't call for class attention, I didn't. I just began sitting quietly, and then Ben and John also sit, so the whole class notice and began to sit. Otherwise, ppl just kept talking even it's already 6:10 or so. Anyhow, I didn't move or open my eyes in the whole meditation and pranayama excise for I guess more around 30 mins. I translated with only listening from Ben. I feel conformtable and easy, tho I kept sweating. I think lately I have been sweating too much, 伤元气. I need to have more supplement, not just water, I guess.
Today's work is working toward back bending!
Then began warm up, with really working on legs. Also began adjustment practice, in launge, lifting the back inner thigh up, this is both inner spiral and thigh bone back energy! I did this a lot while teaching and I know it feel a lot more difference and empowerment. Then in Uttanasan, B use hands or shin to resist A's shins, to creat shins in and thighs out action! These two are major for all standing poses. Launge, WI, B help outer rotation of upper arm bones. Then work on shoulders. In Cobra, B's knees against A's shoulder blads and hands on the shoulders, and at the same time, help guiding shoulder back and push knees forward, to creat chest opening. Also, another assisting for cobra, B press A's calves down, so A with hands clap behine the back to lift up higher!! Camel pose, B hold A's skull, and A keep press head into B's palm while at the same time lifting heart! Skull loops could really help working on shoulder loops to open chest and shoulder! In Danurasana, B sitting on A's heels for rooting down, and guide A's shoulder back with both hands. Then, began thigh strech, ppl do by themselves. First, low launge, twist and thigh streching. 2nd, one calf against the wall. Partner work for setu Bandha. 1st, B helps on big inner spiraling A's thighs and root down, aware of no knees turning in. 2nd, B helps shoulder. 3nd, B helps pull down to root A's legs. All these could work on U Danurasana.
Lots of disscution, and partner work always work!!



哇,竟然超過一年沒在這裡更新了~~  還是先來些最新分享 又讀完一本,這本「功能應瑜珈解剖學」簡體版,感謝神隊友人工運送回來, 作者是David Keil是位Ashtanga練習者,其實這位作者我已經讀他不少的瑜珈解剖相關文章,是我輩算極早開始關注在瑜珈解剖領域的Blogger(...