2009年6月22日 星期一

6/22 TT, 6/23 TT

6/22 TT
Today is led by John. Starting this week begin to talk about "teaching", the role as teacher. So John went thro the key things but most of them is mentioned in Anusara manual.
*teaching quality: soft heart/ Sharp mind/ vibrant body. I like this. And should always keep this in mind. Also in Chinese, 慈悲與智慧, always need to cultivate it!
*John's Asana practice is fun, he will bring something other than yoga posture. I think that's because his background on PT, as body builder. He works more on abd and building on strenghth on arms and legs. So usually is harder work than what Ben will teach. But I think it's helpful for gals!
*He clears one thing about what Richard said about exhale while pushing or lifting. It's about the purpose of the practice, for Richard, his point is out from anatomic way, so he would say exhaling while pushing or lifting weight. But it's different from yoga purpose, especially while we are working on movement, or flow yoga. That's good point, exactly what I said on the day while talking with Jade about this.
*the pranayama practice is interesting. Ham-sa pranayama. Breath in with ham, and breath out with sa. This is more up rising energy practice.

6/23 TT
Today is also led by John. Continue with teaching elements: setting of room, organization, opening of class, yama, niyama.
*Asana practice begining w/ Surya Namaskar A and add on variation, which I think is powerful and fun. Really works on hamstrings and quadceps. also the one with block between hands and lift it over head, straight arm, then lifting knee close to chest, this is so tiring for my shoulder, especially, my left shoulder. Sore and sensational!
*prep for hip opener: john use a very funny way like stip dance to work on strong inner spiral to work on inner things. very funny, but I think it works!
*Hip opener: John introduced a series by Rodney Yee. It's dynamic yoga, so not like flow or vinyasa, it just keeps moving beween poses, but no vinyasa as connection. Sometimes will stop at one pose for a while. This series is one beath one movement. Badha Konasana is the center pose, and links with Pachimotanasana, Upavista Konasana, navasana. This goes for 20 mins. Add on Janu sirsasana, baby cradle, fire log pose, navasana,and lolasana. Then working toward on lotus and Badha konasana forward bend! Again, always focus on groins back, big inner spiral to bring knees down!!



  最近入手的新書,感謝神隊友從上海人肉快遞回來, 其實想買的還有一些,最後先挑這兩本,收到時覺得很有意思,剛好都是身心學派的書,一個是富蘭克林技法,一個是亞歷山大技法,一本以骨盆為主軸,一本雖然從技法對應到瑜珈,但談論到反而是著重從頭的位置來做身體的調整!! 剛好這都是我教學...