6/9 TT
Today also led by John. Topic of today is 3 A's and Adhicara. For 3A, Attitude is the most improtant! Because you could learn the rest 2 A's (alighment and action) from teachers, but still if you have to cultivate attitude by yourself! u could see everyone in the room doing the same pose, but what make the pose different, is the attitude! Attitude is the longing or desire to open a door. Alightment is like the alight the key to insert into key hole.Action is like the strength to turn the key to open the door. So it's like if you don't have the key, you still have the longing to open the door, you still could find a way to open, but you might break the door or use more effort. Adicara (I am not sure if i spell this right) is the studentship (This word is hard to translate into just one term). And five elements to match these five studentship, also reflect to 5 UP.
*Beginer's mind-Sky-Open to Grace
*steadfast to the diciplane-earth-Muscular energy
*fluidity, adapt to different situation-water-inner spiral
*burning of desire of excellency- Fire-outer spiral
*Creativity, apply what you learn into practice-air-organic energy
Asana practice: we do a lot of all these but more foucs on the first one open to grace, and a lot of movement on inner and outer sprial
6/10 TT
Today still let by John. Topic is muscular energy & focal points
3 elements on muscular energy
*draw in from perifery to core
*from outer form toward inner part
*to focal point
So key word for muscular energy is "isomatric" draw in! John asked student to wrap belt around thighs to get the feeling of the draw muscle from front, inner, outer and back.
*partner excise
I:A in low launge, back knee down, and B place hand against A's back thigh, while A tring to lift back leg up. Also,the other way round. A stand in high launge, and B place a hand on A's back thigh. A keep lifting back thigh not letting B push down.
II: A lie on belly, and flex knees. B pulls A's both ankles, and A tries to bring calf closer to thigh. This works on hamstring, just like in backbending.
III: A in Utthanasana,B hug A's shins in by B's calves. So B squeezes A's shins in, but A against by move upper thighs apart.
--Asana practice, work on only Worrior I, Trikonasana, and Parvotanasan. But bulid up one by one, by adding one detailed each time. In WI, work first on lifting back leg and lift front toes up. 2nd,hug the midline.3rd, drawn in both feet together (isomatricaly). 4th, hands and heart lift up and extend organic energy.
-- w/ inhale draw in, exhale extending out.
--Focal points all located in Shusumnan nadi. The main reason to have focal points is to direct energy more effectivly. With your mind notice the point, and visualization could help on moving energy. Brings "awareness" to these parts!!
-- in Setu Bundhasana: block between calf, between upper part of the knees.