2009年6月2日 星期二

開始瑜珈翻譯~Teacher Training begins!

今天開始幫一個200小時的師資課程當翻譯, 這是一家上海的Yoga studio叫做Yoga Space! 教室在熱鬧的酒吧街衡山路上,當然酒吧都是晚上九點才開始的,Yogis大部分都是晨間動物,日出而作日落而息,所以瑜珈館在這種地方一點也不奇怪!這裡已經算是靜安區,路旁都有梧桐樹,這區也很多老外出沒,進到studio布置得很舒服,休息區也不小,可坐可臥,氣氛很yogic!

這次的teacher training 是兩個美國人, 一位已經是Anusara Inspired老師,另一位是我也是清邁上immersion的同學John. 兩位老師都是很資深的瑜珈人,而且剛好我們都是學習Anusara的, 課程會利用Anusara的所有原則來教導,所以我好像又"剛剛好"適合這個課程的翻譯! :)
今天是第一天開始, 課程是每天周間的早上6~9點, 所以我有開始我的早起生活.今天五點起床,準備上學去,這讓我想起那時在清邁也是要早起的一個月師資課程,早晨的空氣真是舒服,路上也很少人,這在上海真是難得的景像啊! 早上的課程開始,同學也是來自各國,當然也不少是中國人. 課程開始,再一次我又開始通電了,就像是"上身". 下課後聽到不少同學很開心有中文翻譯,甚至是本來就懂英文的同學,因為再一次聽到中文解釋可以了解甚至可以再次確認自己的了解有沒錯誤!

我會開始也Journaling自己上課的心得, 正好可以做highlight一些我新學習到或是感受到的,不會是全部, 也許只會用英文. 打字比較快, 哈!



First day of the training. I was kind of exciting back to the yoga field, I mean back to studio to meet the community in Shanghai! John is leading this morning. He speaks slowly and clearly, which is good for me to tranlate! In the beining, he guides us thro a warm up, not the tradition Yoga warm up, but fun. Basically, we just move thro main joints from top. I start feeling again my left shoulder cranky, at the anterior part of detoid and also at the infraspinatus. This is just basic warm up, and my left shoulder is warning me! I should treat it gentler...

Then, we start with Ashtanga style Surya Namaskar A and B. John brings in more alighm't in Wrist, shoulder, and knees.

--press down the mound of the index fingures,this would activate the upper arm muscles, to protect the wrist

--arms close to eacher, to hug the mid line, to create the microbending, so not hyper extending elbows. It's like you are squizing the side of your mat together!

--knees, while bending, such as in Parvakonasana, try to in line your front knee to 4th toe! help not to collaps knee inward and stay aligh!

--"muscular energy" is the key to keep you safe in the practice!

--the intention is important, also helps you to practice safely. Your higher intention would help you not just trying to "do" the pose, w/o working on the alighment.

--we practice Yoga to "heal", not to "hurt" our body!



  最近入手的新書,感謝神隊友從上海人肉快遞回來, 其實想買的還有一些,最後先挑這兩本,收到時覺得很有意思,剛好都是身心學派的書,一個是富蘭克林技法,一個是亞歷山大技法,一本以骨盆為主軸,一本雖然從技法對應到瑜珈,但談論到反而是著重從頭的位置來做身體的調整!! 剛好這都是我教學...